A Small Plane Slides Off The Runway In Schaumburg, IL

Earlier last year, a small plane slid off its runway the Schaumburg, IL. The incident happened close to the 900-block of West Irving Park Road, around 7:26 p.m. This information is according to the Illinois State police. What caused this incident to happen isn’t clear, but the plane eventually came to a stop in a grassy area. The Illinois State Police, Federal Aviation Administration, and National Transportation Safety Board began investigating the accident, but fortunately, no injuries have been reported.

Fortunately, no injuries appeared to have happened, but things could have easily gone a different way. Even a minor crash in an airplane could cause serious injuries to the pilot and any passengers in the plane. Even if no injuries occurred, a passenger could sustain mental trauma following the accident, including developing PTSD.

While we often associate PTSD with war, PTSD can occur due to any kind of trauma, including car and plane accidents. PTSD can also happen due to an abusive relationship or a traumatic childhood. Dealing with this type of emotional distress can also lead to other issues, like eating disorders. However, help is available, and you don’t have to handle these stresses alone.

At Lotus Wellness Center, we help our patients overcome all sorts of stresses and traumatic incidents. An incident like a potential plane crash can cause trauma even if a person didn’t get injured. A family member may also experience mental trauma if they lost a loved one due to a plane crash.

Our team understands that every person is different, and we can structure a plan to help you deal with a traumatic episode and begin leading a healthy lifestyle. We also take a holistic approach and understand that many factors can influence how a patient deals with emotional distress.

Sometimes, taking medication is necessary, but we always explore other courses of action before prescribing medication. Our counseling services can help you talk through painful episodes. We can also recommend changes to your diet and exercise regimen and other lifestyle changes, like ensuring you’re receiving enough sleep every night. Having a well-structured daily routine that involves eating healthy foods and getting up and going to bed around the same time can significantly enhance your treatment.

We also understand that everyone handles grief and trauma differently, and our counselors are always judgment-free. Some patients need to talk through their problems, while others need to make significant changes in their diet and lifestyle. Signs you may need counseling can include the following:


  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Under or overeating
  • Fighting with your partner or family members
  • Feeling stressed out
  • In the case of traumatic events, constantly thinking about or reliving an incident


Our team may recommend you keep a daily journal detailing any changes in mood or behavior. Doing so can help determine what progress you’re making and what areas you still need assistance in. When you need Schaumburg, IL counseling, our Lotus Wellness Center can assist when you call us today.