Massage Therapy For Wellness

When considering massage therapy Palatine IL residents recommend for wellness, healing, and relaxation, many do not realize the full benefits this treatment can offer. Whether you are healing from an injury, have a chronic medical condition, suffer from a mental health disorder, or are looking for a positive way to relax, massage therapy can offer significant advantages for patients. Depending upon a person’s specific needs, there are several massage techniques to choose from, each of which offers varying advantages depending upon the patient’s priorities. When patients visit a treatment center like the LOTUS WELLNESS CENTER, they can experience all the benefits that massage offers.

Understanding Complementary Medicine

Typically when people have a health concern, medical condition, or physical ailment, they seek the more traditional form of medicine or western medicine which is a system that includes healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Complementary medicine is a treatment that can be used while also accessing more traditional forms of medicine. Complementary medicine can offer several advantages when managing health conditions to improve circulation, promote healing, and reduce stress. Common types of complementary medicine a patient may consider include:

  • Massage Therapy
  • Reiki
  • Biofeedback
  • Chiropractics
  • Reflexology
  • Meditation
  • Animal Assisted Therapies
  • Hypnotherapy
  • +More

Accessing complementary medicine while receiving medical treatment can give those with medical conditions a more holistic approach to healing. Massage therapy Palatine IL patients access for management of symptoms promotes healing and improved wellness.

Types of Massages

Massage therapy should always be administered by a trained and licensed professional. Treatment from a practitioner involves the manipulation of soft tissue, ligaments, and muscles using a variety of methodologies. Typically when administering a massage, professionals apply pressure to the body. Pressure can range depending upon the patient’s specific needs, pain levels, and tolerance to pressure. Massage therapy can be used to provide ample benefits to patients, and depending upon the condition, there is a range of massage techniques that may be recommended, for example:

  • Swedish Massage
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Hot Stone Massage
  • Sports Massage
  • Trigger Point Massage
  • Prenatal Massage
  • Shiatsu Massage

Each of these offerings can provide various advantages depending upon the patient’s needs. Trigger point massage can manage specific, chronic issues, focused on a particular area of the body, while patients may access hot stone massage for stress relief and improved blood flow. When determining the proper form of massage, it’s crucial to provide your massage therapist with as much information as possible regarding any medical conditions, injuries, or painful areas prior to your session, from there, they will be able to determine the type of massage to administer to maximize the results.

Experiencing the Benefits

It should come as no surprise as to the plethora of benefits a massage can deliver. In addition to being deeply relaxing, a massage provides vast health benefits for a wide range of people. Not only can a massage help those who are focused on their wellness, but it can also be deeply therapeutic for those suffering from medical conditions or chronic illness, and patients can experience benefits such as:

  • Improved Circulation
  • Stress Reduction
  • Improved Immune System
  • Pain Reduction
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Manage Symptoms of Cancer
  • Manage Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease
  • Manage Symptoms of Arthritis
  • +More

To learn more, schedule an appointment at LOTUS WELLNESS CENTER today!