Chronic Illnesses Therapist Palatine, IL

Chronic Illnesses Therapist Palatine, IL

Chronic Illnesses Therapist Palatine, ILIt takes a lot of energy to manage and cope with a chronic illness. What you should know right now is that you don’t have to do it on your own.

  • Have you been diagnosed with a chronic illness that hinders your ability to function?
  • Are you struggling to cope with the diagnosis?
  • Do you feel that your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through?
  • Are you isolating yourself from others?
  • Do you feel shame, anxiety, depression, or fear when you think about your chronic illness?

If so, a chronic illness therapist in Palatine, IL may be able to listen to what you are going through and help you to find acceptance, closure, and support. You can learn how to cope with your chronic illness, express your fears, and rediscover the meaning of your life and roles that are important to you. To schedule an appointment with a therapist for chronic illnesses in Palatine, IL, call the Lotus Wellness Center.

What Chronic Illness Therapy Can Do For You

There are a number of benefits to attending chronic illness therapy sessions, including:

  • You can examine your feelings, values, and beliefs and how they work alongside your chronic illness.
  • You can address concerns and questions such as “Why me?”
  • You can develop a plan of self care.
  • You can regain control of your life.
  • You can resolve any feelings of distress, denial, and grief.
  • You can find happiness again.

Therapy Can Help You To Live with a Chronic Illness

Following a diagnosis of a chronic illness, you might feel as if your life has changed forever. You may also feel that you have lost everything familiar to you. This could be such a loss that you are unsure about how to cope with the situation. You might lose your ability to move, be unable to work, or have the same kind of relationship with a spouse or partner. If you have to take medication, you might have to deal with the potential side effects of the drugs. All of this can feel overwhelming. A therapist in Palatine, IL can help you.

Adjusting to living with a chronic illness will take a fair amount of time and dedication. It might be difficult; however, your life is not over. The first thing you need to do is acknowledge the way you are feeling. By doing so, you can move through the grief and find some level of closure. This acceptance and closure doesn’t mean you have to resign from everything you knew and loved. Rather, it means that you invite new ways in which you can build a life around the chronic illness. This is part of what a chronic illness therapist in Palatine, IL will help you to do.

Support Through Therapy

When you see a Palatine, IL chronic illnesses therapist, you can feel peace of mind in knowing that you will receive vital support. Your therapist knows what you’re going through and will provide you with the necessary support you might need to re energize you and keep you moving forward. Therapy provides a level of understanding, empathy, and compassion. Your chronic illness therapist will be your partner and your ally as you move through the process of healing from the emotions, fears, and mental distress you’re going through.

Chronic Illnesses That Therapy Can Address

If you are dealing with a chronic illness, therapy can help you to cope with the challenges that the illness might bring. Our therapists have helped people who have been diagnosed with:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Leukemia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinsons
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Immune related illnesses
  • + more

If you are interested in knowing more about how a chronic illness therapist in Palatine, IL can help you, call the Lotus Wellness Center today.

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WEEK DAYS: 09:00AM – 7:00PM
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Client Review
“Liana and Leo are the greatest! The best counselor and chiropractor I have been to in 30 years. Took me a lot of money and years to find the best!”
Ellen B. Client Review